
As students wait for the last bell to ring for summer to start, parents are scrambling to find a summer camp for their children. No worries your problems have been solved. Enroll at Early Childhood Environments’ Art & Academic Enrichment Camp and enjoy the art activities from Africa, Japan, Mexico, South America and many more!!


As school children we awaited summer vacation with baited breath. By the middle of May we knew exactly how many more school days until we were “free”. No more teachers, no more books… you know the rest.


Normal healthy children are going to move, run and climb not only on play grounds but also at home. In the course of a day at play, children will get hurt, sometimes seriously. A frightening nine million children are treated in ERs around the country a year. Since it is obviously not possible to prevent every childhood accident at home all we can do is make our homes as safe as reasonably possible.
